Helping you experience the art and science of yoga.

iyat certified yoga therapist logo-900
ashby underwood-yoga instructor

Ashby Underwood

Yoga + Rolf + Pilates
Certified Yoga Therapist, 3,000 hours of yoga practice, wife, mom of two, and co-owner of Yoga Highlands.

Chad Garner

Rolf + Yoga
Rolf Structural Integration practitioner, husband, father of two, and co-owner of Yoga Highlands.
dianne levine-yoga instructor

Diane Levine

Hatha Yoga certified instructor, Yoga Alliance registered, and over 500 hours of Anusara training.
rachel kinback-yoga teacher

Rachel Kinback

Yoga instructor with over 500 hours of training, farmer, white water rafter, and adventurer.
rose mary white-yoga highlands instructor

Rose Mary White

Yoga instructor with over 500 hours of training, Reiki Master, Yin Yoga and Restorative Guide.

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